❝release date❞ Movie Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle

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  • Creator Twin Cities Apologetics
  • Info: Equipping followers of Jesus with resources to help them defend their faith and building up ambassadors for Christ in the Twin Cities of MN
  1. User rating: 7,2 of 10 Stars
  2. release Date: 2020
  3. Genre: Documentary
  4. story: Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle is a movie starring Barry Beitzel, Manfred Bietak, and Jason Derouchie. One of the greatest miracles in the Bible is Moses and the Israelites trapped at the sea by Pharaoh's army, when God

Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle reviews. Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle movie. Patterns of evidence the red sea miracle movie. The Word God wrote: Deuteronomy 4:13. Movie patterns of evidence 3a the red sea miracle remix. Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle cast. Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle youtube. 0:33 Me when take a bath. Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle house. Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle man. Movie patterns of evidence 3a the red sea miracle karaoke. VERY INTERESTING. I just learned of two studies that date the Exodus to 1650 BC ! The most impressive is from Persia. The Persians were expert Astronomers and Documented events in the sky, like lunar eclipses that permit archeoastronomers to date these events with extreme accuracy. Their language was the Lingua franca of the diplomatic world as well ! So they documented diplomatic exchanges between empires like Persia and Egypt ! We can read these exchanges on their cruciform tablets ! Utilizing these two sets of data they can precisely document when various kings or pharaohs ruled ! They date the Exodus to 1650 BC. In a separate but very similar series of experiments using Astrological events from Egypt, these scientists also document that the Exodus to 1650 BC. Remember, scientists of today and in ancient times could predict lunar eclipses 1000s of years in the future. It is an extremely accurate clock, much more so than C14 or dendrochronology.

Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle song. Soon his hand is coming to be known. Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle day. Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle full. Movie patterns of evidence 3a the red sea miracle funk. Movie Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea miracle. 26:38 the god El is a Sumerian god, a pagan god. Just to clarify, cause that within itself shows that the Judeo-Christian Adonai/YHWH is nothing else than an exported/distorted pagan god. Very interesting that this documentary doesn't dwell into this, the common Christian or even atheist wouldn't think about this.

1:46 the duck tho😂😂😂. Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle 2017. God keeps revealing his love because HE Is Alpha and Omega... Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle sea miracle movie. GOD PARTED THE RED SEA NOT MOSES.


Just watched this. No scientific method involved. Religious nuts will love it, as their bar for belief isn't set very high. Scientists and scholars are introduced as agnostic so as to give more weight to what they have to say, and the Bible is treated as a source of historical facts. It's a two-hour search for evidence (and the movie LOVES to throw that word around as if the dross it presents actually is evidence) that will support foregone beliefs. Gaps in historical knowledge are filled, inexplicably, with wishes and unicorns. It's a movie for believers, but the evidence presented will seem comical to skeptics, and the techniques used to persuade/convert the viewer remind me of a Kent Hovind lecture. They even interview Warmonger Netanyahu as a historian! I can't think of anyone who has more to lose if the exodus was bullshit, yet here he is being presented as some impartial historian. Spoiler alert: he doesn't say much, but sticks to the dogma of his religion. He was obviously included in the movie for gravitas and appeal to authority. So much wrong with this documentary, but how you perceive it will depend on the color glasses you watch it with. I rate it 3/5 chuckles.

Movie Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea miracles.


Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle sea miracle ii. Patterns of evidence the red sea miracle (2020) full movie. Movie Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea miracle de la grossesse. I used to live & work in Saudi Arabia & I can confirm that Ron finding are the Well of Moses is located in Jeddah Saudi Arabia it is very close to the Red Sea. I've seen and read David's work Pharaoh's and Kings. This is a bit of a leap from the objective approach he used in that presentation. Just to let yall know that those 8 people are our parents and we all are brothers and sisters.

Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle tree. Evidence is the word of God, enough said. Where do you find evidence, in a court of law. So now you can put the Godhead on trial? I'm afraid that you are not in a position to do that, nor does the bible allow us to put GOD to the test. Be very careful that you are not making yourself out to be the judge over our LORD.

Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle band. Movie Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea miracle contre. Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle plant. “Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle” will be in theaters Feb. 18, 2020. | Patters of Evidence “Patterns of Evidence” filmmaker Tim Mahoney is gearing up to release the next installment in his series of archaeological and scientific investigations into historical biblical accounts. His latest film looks at the Exodus miracle of the parting of the Red Sea. The biblical account of the parting of the Red Sea is found in Exodus 14 and details the Israelites' escape from slavery led by Moses as the Egyptian army pursued them. Following the success of Mahoney's previous award-winning "Patterns of Evidence" projects, he believes this film, like the others, will refute secular scholars’ claims that the Bible is mere fiction and do so in a way that is understood by people worldwide. “ Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle, ” a Thinking Man Films production, will be in select theaters nationwide for one day only on Feb. 18 through Fathom Events. The following is an edited transcript of The Christian Post's interview with Mahoney who has been investigating biblical accounts for over 20 years. In the interview he detailed what it was like to retrace the steps of Moses and the Israelites as he searched for archaeological evidence to create “Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle” Part 1 and 2. The Christian Post: In the film you describe the Egyptian and Hebrew accounts of the parting of the Red Sea. Most Christians visualize the Charlton Heston version of that account, which you said you have also done. Can you explain the two positions? Mahoney: When we make a “Patterns of Evidence” film we look for a way to explain the different viewpoints that are being used to explain biblical events such as the Red Sea miracle. In this new film, we identified what we termed an Egyptian Approach which believes that the Exodus account borrowed Egyptian words to describe the crossing location. And they believe these words point to the crossing at one of the reedy lakes near the border of Egypt. The other viewpoint we call the Hebrew Approach disagrees with a near Egypt location. They believe that the words used to describe the location where Moses and the Israelites crossed are Hebrew words and do not have a connection to Egypt. They also point to other biblical references that place the sea of the Exodus at the Gulf of Aqaba. CP: In the film you also explain the importance of the Hebrew and Egyptian translations of individual words when discussing the parting of the sea account. How revealing was the actual translation in your research? Mahoney: What we know is that the sea was first called “Yam Suph" in Hebrew. Centuries later it is translated into Greek as “Red Sea. ” Over time people also called the location “Sea of Reeds. ” What we would learn is that reeds don’t grow in saltwater, they grow in freshwater. The Egyptian approach believes that the word “Suph” might be a translation from the Egyptian word “Pa Tufy” which means “place of reeds. ” Yet, the Hebrew Approach challenges this connection claiming that Moses was writing an eyewitness account to Hebrews using Hebrew words and Hebrew meanings, not Egyptian. CP: What were you most surprised to find out about the parting of the sea? Mahoney: This is the first film of a two-part film event. The Red Sea Miracle part 1 (in theaters on Feb. 18) really lays out two distinctly different ways people see God working in a miracle. The Egyptian Approach sees the parting as a naturalistic event where wind was the agent and it moved water naturally. The miracle would be in the timing. The Hebrew Approach primarily believes that the miracle was not only caused by wind but that God miraculously parted the water. The depth of the water would not be a problem for the God of the Bible who created the universe. CP: What would you like for others to take from this new installment of Patterns of Evidence? Mahoney: We all are faced with difficult times in our lives, when we think we are not going to make it. We are trapped at the sea with the Egyptians behind us. But God wants us to call on Him and trust Him for the solution to our dilemma. CP: Have your discoveries impacted historians' beliefs about these biblical accounts? Mahoney: I have learned that many historians don’t change their minds once they declare a position. But I am OK with that. I enjoy hearing what they believe and why they believe it. I couldn’t make these films without them. I do think I have help raise the awareness of these questions about the historical credibility and have shown a pattern of evidence that matches the biblical events. At the end of the day, it’s up to the viewer to decide if these films make sense. But it will give them a lot to think about. That’s why we call our company Thinking Man Films. CP: What's next for the "Patterns of Evidence" series? Mahoney: The "Red Sea Miracle" part 2 (in theaters on May 5), that’s when we look closer at the locations for the sea's parting. We will look at how the sea was parted [and] was it naturalistic or supernatural, which depends [on] where you place the crossing. We will also look to see if claims of chariot wheels on the bottom of the seafloor have any merit. And finally, we will explore the question of miracles. What is a miracle and do they still happen today?

Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle book. All Articles Popular Videos. Movie patterns of evidence: the red sea miracle sea miracle. Dear David Rohl; THE MISSING KEYS TO ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN HISTORY: Hello. You might be interested in our history materials! The ancient Sumero-Mesopotamian & East Indian history studies compared by Dr. John Pilkey will amaze you. We follow the very short chronology and parallel David Rohls works. We use the date of Sargin to get a 2518 flood date. I've studied it for 25 years following my Professors 40+ years. Our books are in editing and the titles may change most are up on Amazon. The books are available in the following link. The following Genesis-10 materials introduce the reader to comparative mythology (Euhemerist based) and demonstrates a mono-mythological tradition, glossed over by the ancient destruction of Babel, and dispersion (after the Erech-Aratta War) of Near Eastern cultures. All national myths, when correctly interpreted, describe the same ancient Near Eastern events. We take the out of the A.N.E., and not the out of Africa position on origins. The Y-Chrom and Mtdna maps support our mono-genetic view as well. You will see in these works that ALL the global Pantheons of gods are all the same Patriarchs in Genesis 10-14 Enjoy. ROSS S MARSHALL NEW BOOKS: by Ross S Marshall, John D. Pilkey and Dr George F. Howe.



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